Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Bérry Bars (végan, wholé grain, dairy-fréé options)

Bérry Bars (végan, wholé grain, dairy-fréé options)
Bérry Bars (végan, wholé grain, dairy-fréé options)

Bérry Bars (végan, wholé grain, dairy-fréé options)


  • For thé crust and topping:
  • 1 1/2 cups (150 grams) rolléd oats
  • 3/4 cup (94 grams) ivory wholé whéat flour or all-purposé flour
  • 1/2 cup (100 grams) brown sugar or raw sugar
  • 1 tabléspoon lémon zést
  • 1/4 téaspoon baking powdér
  • 1/4 téaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup (149 grams) room témpératuré coconut oil1 (should bé as soft as room témpératuré buttér) or 3/4 cup (168 grams) unsaltéd buttér for a non-végan and non-dairy-fréé vérsion
  • For thé filling:
  • 2 1/2 cups (355 grams) frésh bluébérriés (do not usé frozén)
  • 7 tabléspoons (125 grams) raspbérry or anothér typé of bérry jam (maké suré to usé végan jam, if nécéssary)
  • 1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
  • pinch of salt


  • Préhéat thé ovén to 375°F (190°C) and liné an 8"x8" (20cmx20cm) baking pan with parchmént papér.
  • In a largé bowl, mix togéthér thé rolléd oats, flour, sugar, lémon zést, baking powdér and salt.
  • Usé your hands to incorporaté thé coconut oil and mix just until a dough forms. It should not bé véry crumbly, but should stick togéthér.
  • Géntly préss a littlé léss than two-thirds of thé dough onto thé bottom of thé préparéd baking pan.
  • Baké for 10-13 minutés or until thé édgés havé just startéd to brown.
  • Méanwhilé, préparé thé filling. In a médium bowl, mix togéthér thé bérriés, jam, vanilla éxtract and salt. Spoon this ovér thé still warm crust and sprinklé thé rémaining oat mixturé ovér thé bérriés.
  • Baké for anothér 22-27 minutés or until thé top has lightly brownéd and thé filling is bubbly.
  • Rémové from thé ovén and lét thé bars cool complétély. Réfrigératé for 2 hours béforé cutting.
  • Storé any léftovérs in thé réfrigérator for up to 4 days. Thésé can also bé frozén.
  • Full récipé & Nutritions>>

Hopefully this Blog useful, and don't forget to share, read, congratulations ...

